NFL Betting – Super Bowl Prop Picks


Super Bowl OddsTeam To Use First Timeout

Super Bowl 2010 Odds: Colts -115, Saints -115

Although both offenses are very smart with their timeouts, it’s surprising to see both teams even on the odds in this prop.

The Colts are always lineup well and very rarely are surprised by anything that the opposing defense presents. They usually have all three of their timeouts when they head into the two-minute warning each half, so they have an edge in this one. Bet the Saints to be the first to use a timeout.

Will The First Touchdown Of The Game Happen Via Run Or Pass?

Super Bowl Betting: Pass -200, Run +160

With two passing teams, this appears to be an obvious one. The Colts had 33 passing touchdowns this year and just 16 rushing while the Saints had 34 passing touchdowns and just 21 rushing. When you do the math, the pass is the play here.

Both teams struggle in the red zone as well so they will be looking to pass it in even if they get up close.

Will There Be A Special Teams Or Defensive Touchdown?

Super Bowl Prop Betting: Yes +150, No -180

No is an excellent play on this line, which seems surprisingly low considering the two teams that are playing. Both teams are very efficient with the football and with two Pro Bowl quarterbacks, the defenses are going to have to make an amazing play to cause a takeaway. Furthermore, there are far more playmakers on the offensive side than on defense, which means not only forcing a turnover but taking it to the house is going to be a tall order.

As far as special teams go, neither team is known for their returns. This whole prop is essentially “Will Reggie Bush score a special teams touchdown?”.

-180 looks good for ‘no’.

The First Turnover Of The Game Will Be…

Bodog Review: Fumble +125, Interception -155, No Turnover +800

It’s not often that an NFL game goes without a turnover, but bettors have to be curious about the 8-to-1 odds offered up for two fairly efficient teams.

Peyton Manning and Drew Brees are about as careful as can be with the football and when consider how sloppy the Minnesota Vikings were in the NFC Championship Game, both teams will be preaching to be careful. +800 looks like some good value.


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